Hey beautifuls!
It has been roughly two weeks since I've posted which actually seems like forever and I've missed it. If you haven't checked out my note page about the blog arrangements for the next few months then please click 'new blog arrangements' on the home page to find out more!
So this has been requested A LOT from you guys within the last month or so and I think this a very convenient time to share with you my thoughts and ideas on revision tips!
Just a quick disclaimer: this is my own strategy that I use and it may not work for everybody and you might not agree so find out what can work for you.
Top Ten Tips
• Be and feel organised - if you don't know what you're doing and where everything is, it will be stressful
• Treat yourself/take breaks - everybody says this but honestly, follow it. Decide something to look forward to on your revision break so you can stay motivated, but you have to be disciplined with yourself.
• Food/drink/fresh air - this is so typical for everyone to say this but trust me guys, I've seen the difference that this makes and it's a huge one. Eating well, drinking lots of water especially and even going for a small walk will clear your mind and give you energy which then allows you to feel relaxed whilst revising.
• Phones - whether you deny it or not, phones are a big distraction especially for our generation. I'm guilty of it too, a lot in fact. I know it's hard but it's works, put your phone away! Just remember that you can go back to it on your breaks.
• Be comfortable - make sure to have enough space around you for your books and revision and that you're happy with your workspace otherwise you won't be in the revision mode
• Timetables - if you haven't already, I strongly suggest that you start making a revision timetable. If you're struggling then feel free to contact me and I may be able to give you advice on how to make one
• Resources - this might help some people but I don't think it's the most productive way of revising, don't just stare at revision guides! I suggest printing off past papers, subject checklists, specification for your subjects as well as revision guides.
• Revise in groups sometimes - Isolation can be a big problem with revision because some people may start to stress and overthink when they're alone revising when they'd much rather do something else like I do sometimes. Try to mix your revision a bit with group work and sharing ideas
• Prioritising - I strongly recommend to follow this tip because you have to be a little bit firm with
yourself for the next few months, it just has to be done. Do not avoid your social life by any means but be reasonable because it's such an important time. The revision period will only last a few months and then think about everything to look forward to once exams are over! That should be your motivation to keep going.
yourself for the next few months, it just has to be done. Do not avoid your social life by any means but be reasonable because it's such an important time. The revision period will only last a few months and then think about everything to look forward to once exams are over! That should be your motivation to keep going.
• Learn your revision style - it important to know which method of revising is more effective for you because different people revise differently, so once you know what works for you, you should be comfortable
Revision strategies for my subjects:
Maths: I make revision cue cards on each topics, starting from the content I find hardest. I use my maths textbook and previous notes to help me with this. I then like to use mathswatch which I find so so so useful as it talks you through each topic and the grade level of your choice and then it gives you questions to try yourself.
English Language: I do past questions to improve on my writing style and understand fully what I am asked to do. Looking at exemplars help also.
English Literature(poetry): I am re-annotating each poem, making sure I understand the poem fully. I strongly recommend MrBruff on YouTube, who talks through each poem.
English Literature: I am going to be re-reading both of the texts that I've been studying and I am making notes on the characters, themes/ideas and also completing past questions
Additional Science: I am making cue cards on Biology, Chemistry and Physics by starting with my weakest topics. I am making mind maps for Biology, Chemistry and Physics with concise and key notes. I also use myGCSEscience which is a lifesaver and I strongly recommend watching his videos.
Child Development: I am making cue cards for each topic, starting with my weakest, then testing myself and doing past papers.
Spanish Listening&Reading: I will be doing past papers and using VocabExpress.
Remember that this is what works for me but if you would like to take some ideas from this then you're more than welcome.
I hope everyone's revision is going well and I wish you all good luck!
For any more advice then please contact me.
Only a few months of this and then we will be free beautifuls, love you all.
Sanyha xo
This is so good