Have you ever felt nothing but also everything at the same time? Yes?
Well that's me pretty much everyday of my life whether you see it or not but that's okay. It's scary you know, feeling as if you have no control over yourself when in reality you alone are the only person who can both physically and mentally control yourself. But that all just seems like a blur and it's messy, a lot like how my mind is like, pretty much everyday of my life.
Do you ever feel empty? Yes? Because I sure do, pretty often too but that's okay you know. But remember, not everyone will understand that; you need to be careful because nowadays you can't rely on and trust everyone you meet. It just doesn't work like that. Talk to people, but only people you really trust because in reality how many of your friends can you actually call friends? Things are changing and people are changing, fast. Deep down, I know there's something in you that's not empty at all, everyone has something special within them, just remember that.
Lonely or alone? They are two different things and people say it is rare to feel both at the same time. Have you felt both? Yes? Well so have I, pretty much everyday of my life but that's okay. Lately, it's become so known to rely on people, interact with people and thoughts of needing to please everybody have increased. The amount of judgements and assumptions have been increasing. Can this be partly the reason? You don't seem to find that being civil with one another is a natural thing to do when two people don't really see each other eye to eye. It makes you think doesn't it? I know I would probably re-think my whole self in this situation and this is what leads people into the trap of feeling alone or lonely because people simply cannot just be nice with each other and to each other. The pressure of friendship groups, the pressure of getting into relationships and the pressure of needing to be good enough is more than enough for somebody to feel alone or lonely. These days, in young people especially, it is seriously getting so fixed into people's heads that they need to be like everyone else, doing what everyone else is doing; if they don't, then you're quick to be classified as the 'odd one out.' This isn't right at all.
Do you ever feel clueless? Yes? Well I do too, pretty much everyday of my life but that's okay. I'm clueless.
Clueless or not? Keep going. Honestly, keep going. Whether you are alone, confused, empty or 'feelingless', keep going. You are the only one that matters, other people can wait. Whatever you do, do it for you and don't you dare let anybody stop you. You have passion? Do something with it and forget everyone else. You have something to express? Express it and forget everyone else.
Because that's exactly what I'm doing and I hope that's something to look up to. Despite everything that's gone on in my life and what's going on in my life at the moment, I'm still going so you can too, okay?
I love you all my beautifuls,
Sanyha xo
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