Thursday, 13 September 2018


Hey beautifuls! It has been a very long while since you have heard from me here but I am now back; I will be working to create content for you all as consistently as I can.

I have chosen to talk about this topic as its something that I have been asked frequently over months and months if I'm honest - and it's something that we all are affected by. So..


It's inevitable that everybody will experience stress at some point in their life, whether it be involving family, friends, relationships, money or mental health issues. But one thing that some people may not understand is that stress is not just worrying and over-thinking of the mind - it has mental, emotional, physical and behavioural effects which can be quite serious.

- Racing thoughts, constant worrying and difficulty concentrating 
- Overwhelmed, wound up, anxious and lack of self-esteem
- Headaches, dizziness, tiredness all the time, sleeping problems and eating too much/too little
- Snapping at people, avoiding people or problems and drinking/smoking more

Stressing can actually be quite a serious thing to go through and I find that it has become something that people undermine a lot and although it is something that is hard to understand by others because the stress is usually a personal matter - it is something that is as equally difficult to explain in order to be understood.

It's completely normal and natural to be stressed, we definitely don't ask for it. So please remember to be considerate of others around you just as you would appreciate them to be the same to you. The extra and unnecessary frustration from judgements does not help the stress at all. In fact, we all need the opposite when we are stressed - peaceful and a 'good vibes only' atmosphere.

Doing your GCSEs/A Levels? Yes, you're bound to be stressed. Going through troubles in your relationship? Yes, it's bound to cause stress. Having money troubles and in debt? Yes, that's bound to stress you out.

My number one advice when it comes to dealing with stress would be to remember that you are the most important in any and every situation - and yes, I am telling you to be a little selfish. We are talking about your health so looking after yourself should be a priority. However, this is not to say that we cannot be considerate of others at the same time. Something that helps me is to remind myself of what makes me happy - whether it be art, listening to music, makeup or even 'sorting my life out' which is something I like to do a lot!

Besides from the obvious, yet still important ways, such as sleeping and eating right - I believe that having a routine as well as being organised is so important and helpful because it can make your mind and thoughts seem a little less chaotic than it feels. This 100% works with school/revision stress and it will most likely solve a lot of stressful problems during exam season for example.

Another thing that works for me is to have 'me time' - which can involve doing the things that make you happy. But by this, I also mean pure relaxation and peace to allow yourself some time to think to yourself and for yourself because when we are stressed, it can hinder our thought process which isn't useful for decision-making at all.

My last piece of advice in terms of tackling stress would be to make sure that you live a balanced life as I know that it is so easy for us to get so caught up with loads of things at once which can add to the stress. By making sure that everything in our life is balanced which can be done by us realising and accepting what we can and cannot take control of in our lives. We cannot manage anything and everything in this world, we just can't so don't be so hard on yourself and allow yourself to be stressed but also allow yourself time to get back on your own two feet.

Unfortunately, stress is just one of those things that will keep appearing at different times throughout our lives but each time we will gain a better understanding as well as learn how to tackle the stress more effectively.

It's easy for me to just say: don't stress. However, we all know that it isn't that easy!

I hope you found this useful, even if it was just a slight bit and remember to always have faith beautifuls.

Love you lots,
Sanz xoxo

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