The Beginning

Hey guys!

Welcome to my blog page - sanz,shares. I have been inspired to create a blog post for quite a while now by many other bloggers and idols of mine such as Habiba Da Silva. I have always had an interest in beauty and fashion but it was only within the last year that I had become more passionate about creating pages about this. With the support of many people, I built up the courage to go through with starting this blog page, putting my absolute effort in to make it as content as possible, so I do hope you enjoy what is yet to come in the future! I will talk about my inspirations to go through with this page in later blog posts and pages.

My blog will consist of many aspects of life as a whole and also personal interests of mine which I can share with you such as: Make-up, Fashion, Photography, Music, Islam, Art and Life itself. The aim of my blog is to share my ideas and opinions across to my audience about these topics and also to inspire and help people through sharing my personal experiences in life. In addition to this, I have also started this blog to help myself as I enjoy doing this a lot and it is a great hobby of mine.

As I am new to this, it will take me a while to adjust to the way it works and I may not be consistent with the timings of my blog posts. However, I will regularly keep updates on my Snapchat- sanyhaax . I am still at school at the moment- last year of school. This is another reason to why I may have delayed appearances on this blog. This is just a small explanation to start my blog off.

I hope you can all support me through this journey to get me to the goal I would like to reach and most of all, I hope that I can truly inspire other young people like me out there,
Please follow and share this to your friends.

I am looking forward to this exciting journey and I hope that you guys can join me along the way!
(In Shaa Allah)

Stay blessed,
Sanyha xo

Follow my blog with Bloglovin


  1. All the best my lovely! You will make an amazing blogger! X

  2. I'm so excited for your future blogs Sanyha! Gonna spread the word around once I get my phone! Much love <3
